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Basic Research

Stepanov P.

Law, morality and religion
in the structure of social regulation
(Part 2)

Historical Research

Naumov Yu.

On the issue of the history
of Russian navigation
and pioneering in the Arctic

Izbachkov Yu., Rybak K.

Note about representatives
of the Fleckenstein family

Yandiev B.

System of military education
in the Russian army of the first half
of the 19th century

Applied Research

Nikolaev K.

Painting-sketch by D.Nalbandyan
“Speech by V.I.Lenin in the House
of Unions” (1990, a private collection) and features of the artist’s late work: Based on the results
of a studyby the Scientific expertise Department of GOSNIIR

Kazanskaya K.

The contribution of the Edwardian era to the formation of vintage European fashion

Intangible Cultural Heritage

Elchaninov A.

Arctic Ocean. Russian geographical names as objects of intangible cultural heritage

Heritage Preservation Problems

Valkova V.

Problems of preservation of finishing coatings during the restoration of museum furniture and ways to solve them

Russian Foreign Heritage

Okorokov A.

»I will not submit!» The life
and work of the poetess
of the Russian Diaspora
Marianna Kolosova

Publ. 01/09/2024


Gusev S., Zagorulko A.

Archaeological heritage in sites (places of interest): introduction to problem

Abstract. Sites (places of interest) along with other cultural heritage sites include archaeological heritage monuments that have their own specifics. The article discusses the place and role of archaeological heritage monuments in the organization of the territory and space of the site. The article presents an attempt of theoretical understanding such a basic concept as a site (place of interest), without which the further development of the process of protecting of sites (place of interest) is impossible. In particular, the concept of “types of cultural heritage objects” was disclosed in general terms, and its basic components were also highlighted. Particular attention is paid to such a key concept as “subject of protection”. In this regard, the archaeological cultural layer of the site (place of interest) is analyzed as a subject of protection. In addition, the definitions of the conceptual apparatus are specified: a prominent place; archaeological heritage site; territory; space.

Key words: site, archaeological heritage monument, archaeological cultural layer, subject of protection, protection regime, planning organization of the territory.

Gusev Sergey Valentinovich,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
e-mail: agus_2004@mail.ru

Zagorulko Andrey Vladislavovich,
PhD in History,
senior researcher, Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
e-mail: azagor@mail.ru

Published: The Heritage Institute Journal, 2019/1(16)

URL: http://nasledie-journal.ru/en/journals/275.html


Likhachev Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage


Likhachev Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage


of the Mass information media
ЭЛ № ФС 77–60211,
date: 17.12.2014


4 issues per year

Published on-line only


Journal of Cultural Research
