Basic Research
Law, morality and religion
in the structure of social regulation
(Part 2)
Historical Research
On the issue of the history
of Russian navigation
and pioneering in the Arctic
Note about representatives
of the Fleckenstein family
System of military education
in the Russian army of the first half
of the 19th century
Applied Research
Painting-sketch by D.Nalbandyan
“Speech by V.I.Lenin in the House
of Unions” (1990, a private collection) and features of the artist’s late work: Based on the results
of a studyby the Scientific expertise Department of GOSNIIR
The contribution of the Edwardian era to the formation of vintage European fashion
Intangible Cultural Heritage
Arctic Ocean. Russian geographical names as objects of intangible cultural heritage
Heritage Preservation Problems
Problems of preservation of finishing coatings during the restoration of museum furniture and ways to solve them
Russian Foreign Heritage
»I will not submit!» The life
and work of the poetess
of the Russian Diaspora
Marianna Kolosova
Publ. 01/09/2024
UDC 37.017.4
Putrik Yu., Solovyev A., Tsarkov P.
The use of cultural and natural heritage as an important factor of moral and patriotic education of youth in the Russian Federation
Abstract. The article presents forms and methods of use of objects of cultural and natural heritage for improvement of education and formation of youth. The following directions are analyzed: study of local lore, museum pedagogics, tourism, excursions, libraries, amateur performance of youth associations, event and festival actions and others. Different types of tourism as an important part of system of additional education at the high and higher school in our country are considered.
Key words: cultural and natural heritage, moral education, education, youth, tourism, tourist activity, study of local lore, excursion, library, museum pedagogics, youth associations, volunteer movement.
Putrik Yuri Stepanovich,
D. in History,
head of Department of socio-cultural and tourist programs, Heritage Institute (Moscow),
e-mail: putrik@list.ru
Solovyev Andrey Petrovich,
PhD in Pedagogy,
head of the Sector of tourism and recreational uses of heritage, Heritage Institute (Moscow),
e-mail: andrey476_85@mail.ru
Tsarkov Petr Evgenievich,
Department of tourism and recreational uses of heritage Heritage, Institute (Moscow),
e-mail: petrcarkov@gmail.com
Published: The Heritage Institute Journal, 2015/2
URL: http://nasledie-journal.ru/en/journals/36.html
Likhachev Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage
Likhachev Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage
of the Mass information mediaregistration:
ЭЛ № ФС 77–60211,
date: 17.12.2014
4 issues per year
Published on-line only