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Cultural Policy

Aristarkhov V.

Universal values and the conflict
of civilizations

Volobuev S.

One step forward, two steps back? On the problems of scientific, methodological and educational support for the course “Foundations of Russian statehood»

Basic Research

Stepanov P.

Law, morality and religion
in the structure of social regulation
Part 1

Historical Research

Kazanskaya K.

Innovation in the costumes of the «Russian Seasons» in the Russian ballet on the European stage
in the first half of the 20th century

Applied Research

Pleschenko V.

Disclosure of the budget and personal finance topics in the works of A.N. Ostrovsky

Skorokhod A.

Study of five printed sheets
of the unique botanical Atlas «Hortus Eystettensis» (1713-1750) in the Scientific Expertise Department
of the State Research Institute for Restoration


Izbachkov Yu., Rybak K.

About one little-known fact from
the fate of Plyushkin’s collection

Snegovskaya E.

To the problem of Zaporozhye region’ cultural tourism development: a brief concept of “Shore of the Azov Sea” integrated museum

Publ. 04/05/2024


DOI 10.34685/HI.2023.91.86.020

Novikov I.

Historical and local history research of the Department of History of the USSR
of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute in the 1960s – early 1980s.

Abstract. The article examines the historical and local history direction as one of the main scientific activities of the Department of History of the USSR at the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute in the period from the 1960s to the early 1980s. According to the author, this period has not yet received adequate coverage in the research locus and appears rather fragmentarily. The article pays much attention to the background of the department. The most significant results of the work of scientists during the period under study are presented, their contribution to deepening knowledge of the history of various regions of the Southern Urals and Siberia is highlighted. The practical significance of their work in the field of teaching and popularizing the history of their native land is emphasized.

Key words: Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute, V.E. Chetin, B.V. Grigoriev, scientific heritage, local history, history of science.

Novikov Igor Alexandrovich
PhD in History, Associate Professor,
South Ural State Humanitarifn-Pedagogical University (Chelyabinsk)
Email: novikovia69@mail.ru

Published: The Heritage Institute Journal, 2023/3(34)

Url: http://nasledie-journal.ru/en/journals/606.html


Likhachev Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage


Likhachev Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage


of the Mass information media
ЭЛ № ФС 77–60211,
date: 17.12.2014


4 issues per year

Published on-line only


Journal of Cultural Research
