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Cultural Policy

Aristarkhov V.

Universal values and the conflict
of civilizations

Volobuev S.

One step forward, two steps back? On the problems of scientific, methodological and educational support for the course “Foundations of Russian statehood»

Basic Research

Stepanov P.

Law, morality and religion
in the structure of social regulation
Part 1

Historical Research

Kazanskaya K.

Innovation in the costumes of the «Russian Seasons» in the Russian ballet on the European stage
in the first half of the 20th century

Applied Research

Pleschenko V.

Disclosure of the budget and personal finance topics in the works of A.N. Ostrovsky

Skorokhod A.

Study of five printed sheets
of the unique botanical Atlas «Hortus Eystettensis» (1713-1750) in the Scientific Expertise Department
of the State Research Institute for Restoration


Izbachkov Yu., Rybak K.

About one little-known fact from
the fate of Plyushkin’s collection

Snegovskaya E.

To the problem of Zaporozhye region’ cultural tourism development: a brief concept of “Shore of the Azov Sea” integrated museum

Publ. 04/05/2024


2018/2(13) special issue


Rastorguev V.

Russia's сivilization heritage: methodology of the research program and the outlines of a long-term strategy

Leksin V.

Russian civilization and Russian people

Korolkov A.

Bringing up traditional values in the conditions of their destruction

Bespalova T., Lariontsev M.

National memory, service and borders of Russian civilization

Lisitsa Yu.

The fundamental basis of state building (on theIvan Ilyin’s Doctrine of legal Consciousness) and the present situation in modern Russia

Bundin Yu.

Spiritual tradition of service to fatherland as a civilizational constanta and its legal support

Minakov A.

Westernism as a disease of Russian civilization

Muza D.

Russian civilization in the focus of values-centric sense of reasoning

Kazin A.

The dynamics of civilization and the point of power

Baranov A.

Russian civilization in modern historiosophy: ideology and reality

Gorlova I., Gritsenko V.

Russian civilization and 'Russian World'

Bondarenko V.

Russian or Russian-speaking? The Status of Modern Literature in Russian in Belarus

Probeygolova N.

Myth-making technologies in the process of constructing modern political reality (on the example of Ukraine, LNR and DNR): civilizational approach

Mamychev A.

Forms and directions of civilization modeling of political and legal development of the Russian society: in the future across the past

Lepekhin V.

Interrelation of the essences of Russian civilization and its values


Projecting the values of Russian civilization in the context of the national cultural policy

Vasiliev G.

On the main «intensity points» of the national value system

Denisov N.

Cultural and ideological basis of Russian civilization: historical lessons and the future of statehood

Boychuk S.

Religion and civilization: the understanding of religion in the philosophy of history of A.J.Toynbee in the context of the civilizational approach

Zhitenev S.

Formation of the scientific base of cultural heritage: the main sections and topics of the 'Encyclopedia of cultural heritage of Russia'

Dvortsov V.

Return of the Church Slavonic language to the being of the nation


Bespalova T., Minakov A., Vasiliev G.

Analysis of legislative documents on public policy in the spheres of education, culture, national policy and national security strategy


Likhachev Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage


Likhachev Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage


of the Mass information media
ЭЛ № ФС 77–60211,
date: 17.12.2014


4 issues per year

Published on-line only


Journal of Cultural Research
